sajad dates products


Management of Saman Radman Sajad Trading Company: 

Yousef SAJADI BAMI, born on 1975, graduated in the field of Mechanic Engineering, from Shahid Bahonar University, branch of Kerman in 2004; 

With the existence of about 200-hectare area under cultivation of dates in Bam, Fahraj and Narmashir, and despite of much problems of this industry such as no packing factory, branding and … the above mentioned company engaged to establishment a refrigerator, a packing dates factory and activity in the field of importing under name of Sajad Complex. 

Working Records: 

Management of Sajad, Kerman Refah and Nakhldarane Bam companies, chairman of board of directors of Nakhldarane Iran and Sardkhaneh Daran cooperative company, member of board of directors of Dates Forum of Kerman Province and Bam Dates Company and seven years in chamber of commerce. 

Call to the Management: 09131440071